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If hearing about the amazing health potential of redox supplementation has you excited, imagine the business potential of the company that pioneered it. Being involved with ASEA—the only company with a redox supplement—can impact more than just your health; it can impact your financial future.

Starting an ASEA business allows you to realize your financial goals while giving you control of your time. More than 70% of people who start their own businesses list a common top reason for doing it: being their own boss. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

The standard boss-employee paradigm is making way for the demand to work from home. Not just because people need control over how they earn their money, but because they need time freedom and more earning potential as well.

Did you know that college graduates are earning on average 15% less than they were in the year 2000? That’s a $10,000 decline.

It’s simple to get started. With a low-risk, low-cost entry point, you gain an immense opportunity to create a sizable income, without the headaches of traditional startups. You’ll never have to worry about inventory, warehousing, employees, or payroll.

Why Choose This Emerging Health Technology

Network Marketing Facts

For those that think network marketing is not an effective industry, please do your due diligence and read the facts:


🔥 Network Marketing is in over 100+ countries

🔥 We naturally share things that we like with our family

      and friends

🔥 $189 billion-dollar industry

🔥 Estimated to reach over $645 billion by 2025

🔥 Worth more than the value of the American Professional

      Football League (NFL), Movie, and Music industries


🔥 Some of the top stocks on Wallstreet are Network

      Marketing companies

🔥 Offers residual income

🔥 Flexible Hours and Convenient

🔥 You get paid even when you are not working

🔥 No employees or overhead

🔥 Like-Minded Community


I think you catch my drift. The FBM team isn't looking for great salespeople; we are looking to recruit individuals who are passionate about taking care of themselves and love sharing what they believe in with others.

I understand there is a lot of bs and hype out there we need to filter through in order to recognize the facts. I encourage you to do your due diligence and read the facts:

  • Proven science- third party double-blind placebo study showed a 20-31% increase in gene expressions across the board in the following pathways> immune system health, vascular health, digest & gut, inflammation, and hormone modulation

  • One of the top 5 emerging health technologies

  • 5 Nobel prizes so far have been awarded for this research

  • Even with the current crisis going on, our production in the past three weeks has been our highest in sales and production ever (consumer power proves this is working for people)

  • Fully operational in 33 countries

  • Australia and New Zealand Sales up over 88% since 2017

  • Global sales up over 50% in the past year

  • As of April 2020 ASEA moved to #44 on the DSN global list and ranked #60 out of the top 500 fastest growing network marketing companies around the world 🌏

  • After 10 years of operation we are still the only company in the world with this technology 

  • The company is strategically positioned in the world’s top three industries> Health & Wellness, Beauty & Anti-aging, and Athletics

  • Over 25 years of research from top Universities including Yale, John Hopkins, Harvard, Duke, and many others on this technology

Here’s Why ASEA is a One-Of-A-Kind Opportunity...

Aside from the fact that this supplement actually works, only one company in the entire world offers this product. The company has been around for over a decade now, and within their first year in business they quickly became debt free. Currently, boasting $170 million in annual sales in over 33 countries around the world, ASEA was listed at #60 out of the fastest growing direct sales companies in 2020. This company is still in its infancy stages which creates great opportunity!

There is not a single person in this world that is aging backwards, unaffected by the toxins in the air we breathe, free of all stress, or eats a perfect diet. Our bodies are aging and the abundant supply of Redox Signaling Molecules being produced within our cells that we once had during our childhood are being depleted each and every day. Now that we can nourish this supply of molecules with ASEA, helping to make our cells work the way they once did, there's not a single person who wouldn't benefit from using them.


Does this sound like you? The FBM team is dedicated in sponsoring a limited number of interested individuals, providing you with the tools, documentation, education, weekly calls, and personal assistance to easily share this with others. Ultimately, you will rise to a place where you will be able to do the same. Feel free to check out the benefits and compensation plan under the RESOURCES section or click on the CONTACT US button below for a one on one call to discuss joining our team FBM.


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Portland, Oregon


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2009-2022 | Distributor: Feel Better Molecules | Corporate Headquarters: 1488 Pleasant View Drive, Pleasant Grove, UT 84062

This ASEA product is completely protected by U.S. patents 8,367,120 - 8,663,705 - 9,255,336 - 8,455,010 - 9,486,481 - 9,446,072 - 9,597,353 Patents applying to ASEA-related products: ASEA - 8,367,120 - 8,663,705 - 9,255,336 - 8,455,010 - 9,486,481 - 9,446,072 - RENU 28 – 9,597,353 - 9,255,336 - 8,663,705 - Eye Serum – 9,597,353 - 9,255,336 - 8,663,705.
The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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